Some Riddles
It cannot be seen, it cannot be felt,
Cannot be heard, cannot be smelt,
Lies behind stars and under hills,
And empty holes it fills.
Comes first follows after,
Ends life kills laughter.
Cannot be heard, cannot be smelt,
Lies behind stars and under hills,
And empty holes it fills.
Comes first follows after,
Ends life kills laughter.
( darkness)
Two words is my answer. In order to keep me, you have to give me. What am I?
(your Word)
A cowboy rides into town on Friday, stays for three days and leaves on Friday. How did he do it?
( The horse is named Friday)
A man went to the hardware store to buy items for his house.
1 would cost $.25
12 would cost $.50
122 would cost $.75
12 would cost $.50
122 would cost $.75
When he left the store he had spent $.75, what did he buy?
(House numbers)
When you went into the woods you got me.
You hated me yet you wanted to find me.
You went home with me cause you couldn’t find me
What was it?
You hated me yet you wanted to find me.
You went home with me cause you couldn’t find me
What was it?
(A splinter)
Who bought it doesn’t need it
Who needs it didn’t buy it
Who ever sees it makes them cry
What am I?
Who needs it didn’t buy it
Who ever sees it makes them cry
What am I?
(A coffin)
An apple begins with me and age too. I am in the midst of a man and foremost in every apprehension. You will find me in everyday and see me in all Autumns. It’s a pity that you cannot see me in the air and yet it’s so wonderful to be a part of the great Atlantic ocean! Guess what am I?
(the letter A)
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