1 – What’s the meaning of the phrase “just great”?
“Great” é ótimo; “Just” dá uma ênfase maior, como “muito”; “Just great” pode ser como “Muito bem”.
2 – “Take it easy” mean “até logo”? (Mean what else?)
Sim, ou você pode entender como “Se cuida”.
3 – “pantywaist” = medroso?
Nunca tinha ouvido, mas no www.urbandictionay.com aparece como: pantywaist, a feminine, limp-wristed guy who lacks courage. May or may not be gay, but is usually assumed to be. “Jimmy swears that he likes chicks, even though he’s such an obvious pantywaist.” Em outras palavras, um afeminado ou metrosexual.
4 – When I was talking to a friend from Canada, he said “they all left, except one” for my question “Do you have some “relate” (eu queria dizer parente) here (in Brazil)?” But, what mean the answer (especially that ‘they all left’)?
“Do you have any relatives here?” Todos já saíram/partiram, exceto um.
5 – What mean “Better and better”?
Cada vez melhor, porém depende um pouco do contexto.
6 – How do say “Como se diz mesmo ________ in English?”?
How do I say___ in English?
7 – What mean “beholder”? I see it on phrase: “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder”.
Behold é ver, beholder é aquele que vê. A beleza está nos olhos de quem vê.
8 – What mean “I have been to (…)”?
É o verbo to be conjugado no Present Perfect. Em português a tradução não fica clara sem o contexto da frase… coloca a frase inteira?
9 – How do you say “E para viajar para outros países da Europa?”? Would be “And for travel to other countries of the Europe?” ?
Dependendo do contexto você pode dizer “and what about travelling to other countries in Europe?”
10 – Proof it’s “prova”. Mas como fica “provar”?
Proof é prova física, como em um crime. Prova de escola ou faculdade é Test ou Exam. Provar roupa, é “to try”. I’m trying something to go out tonight.
11 – What’s the correct form: “Do you have a big bike?” or “You have a big bike?”?
No inglês gramaticalmente correto é a primeira. Auxiliary verb+Subject+Main Verb+Complement = Do you have a big bike? Mas na prática da língua nos EUA, podemos ouvir pessoas dizendo “you have a big bike?”
12 – I say this phrase in a book: “After the end of World War 2 …” but don’t should to be “After the end of the World War 2 …”?
I say? Or I saw? (…) but shouldn’t it be (…) World War II is a well known fact. You don’t use articles before names, do you? The same happens to well known facts of History. It’s writer’s choice.
13 – What’s “midtown”?
Any town is divided between downtown and uptown (the farest part of the city, or suburbia). Midtown is between these points (click here)
14 – What’s “sophomore”? (I saw this in phrase: “That is, until one of my sophomore math students…”)
Second year student (click here)
15 – What mean “lining up”?
To make a line, to organize people to stand up one behind the other
16 – What mean “gotcha”?
Gotcha! Is also a game in Brazil related to a game like “cops and robbers”
17 – How do pronounce “I’d”?
That’s complicated! |Áid| got it?
18 – How ca I write “lê-se” in English?
In most cases, is the imperative form: Read. Coloca a frase inteira?
19 – How can I write “Seja ____ uma ____” ? (For example, “Seja x uma variavel …”)
Depende… do seu exemplo, pode ser “If x is a variable”
20 – How can I say “Tô brincando” in English?
Just joking, just kidding, just playing…
Thanks a lot people!!!
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